Let Your Passion Push You Forward

October 19, 2018
October 19, 2018 Anita Henderson

If you don’t love the idea of writing a book, or don’t have a true passion for what you’re writing about, don’t do it!

That might sound strange coming from an author coach, but hear me out.

If you lack a passion for impacting other people with the story of how you did what you’ve done, or overcome what you’ve been through, or developed the secret sauce to whatever has made you successful, then just stop. Seriously.

Without passion to push you forward; without a strong desire to see some results —quickly; without the need to feel accomplished and of service to others; and to give out of your overflow of gratitude and experience, writing a book is going to be hard. It just is.

That’s why so many people struggle to write the book.

Your book is a resource to change people in some way. It’s a tool to impact their lives, to inspire, educate, or entertain readers. When your desire to do any one of these becomes stronger than the fears you’ve created around writing the book, you’ll do it.

As real as they may seem, those fears are false.

  • Your fear of being exposed is simply your mind’s way of hiding your truth.
  • Your fear of failure is merely your ego’s way of wanting to be perfect all the time, which is impossible.
  • Your fear of success is that critical voice that suggests you can’t top your last best effort, so don’t reach the top or else people will expect more from you.
  • Your fear that no one will read your book is your baggage from past failures, or your judgment of others who you feel have tried but not succeeded. (For goodness sake, you don’t want to be like them!)

Instead of allowing your fears to halt your progress as an author, let your passion push you forward.

Write the book because you value your knowledge, and you know others will benefit from what you know.

Write the book because you want to help others learn a life lesson you learned, without having to endure the pain you did.

Write the book to help make someone else’s journey (in business or in life) easier, more systematic, and less frustrating.

Write the book to teach, to share, to serve.

And when you get tired, discouraged, or distracted, let your passion push you forward.

Anita R. Henderson is CEO of The Write Image, LLC and creator of Write Your Life. Known as The Author’s Midwife, her work with high performers has resulted in multiple bestselling and award-winning books and has helped authors grow their media and online visibility, speaker platforms, industry credibility, and overall confidence in their ability to write a compelling, high-quality book and leverage it in their business or career.

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Anita Henderson

CEO of The Write Image Consulting, LLC; Author Coach/Advisor, The Author's Midwife with WriteYourLife.net; Bestselling & Award-Winning Author; Speaker.

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