You’re an expert. You’re established in your career. And now you’re thinking about what’s next. Maybe you’d like to sit on a board, pursue consulting, command 5-figure speaking honorariums, get more clients – or all of those and more.

But you’ve heard the horror stories. Maybe you’ve cringed at a colleague’s book and thought, “Oof, not me.” 

Or maybe you’re just stuck because – hello! – writing, publishing, and marketing a nonfiction book isn’t something you just pick up along the way.

That’s where we come in.

My team and I have helped dozens of aspiring authors through their publishing journey and we know exactly what it takes to produce a high-quality book that successful achievers like you can feel proud of.

To learn more…

So How Does it Work?

Step 1: Coaching

This is where it all starts. We do a deep dive into why you’re writing the book, clarify your goals as an author, define your audience, mine your experience, and map out the steps from idea to execution.

Step 2: Production

Let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work! Writing, copy editing, revisions, beta readers, cover design, more revisions, getting it on Amazon – we manage the entire project for you.

Step 3: Marketing

Here’s where the team goes into overdrive, getting the word out. We get your book in front of the right people, help with book award submissions, get you to the top of the Amazon bestseller list, and more.


Our packages are thoughtfully-designed based on years of experience working with professionals across industries including legal, financial services, genealogy research, psychology, professional speaking, advertising, business consulting, counseling/ministry, professional organizing, and publishing.

Our clients have achieved exceptional success in their publishing efforts, including media visibility and awards recognition. Few things build credibility more than your name on the front of a bestseller.

We’re not a book factory. Whichever package you choose, you can be assured you’ll get the focused attention you need, every step of the way. Put simply, we manage your entire book project so you can skip the headache of figuring it all out on your own.

Our packages include

Author Coaching

  • Strategy
  • Structure and story
  • Accountability and project management

Manuscript Review

  • Revision
  • Copy Editing


  • Custom cover and interior design
  • Registration
  • Worldwide distribution


  • Bestseller campaigns (Amazon, Wall Street Journal/USA Today)
  • Social media management
  • Website design
  • Press release and more

Wondering which package is right for you?

I could talk about my coaching framework all day and show you how it makes writing a book super simple.

I could wow you with my detailed book production schedule that keeps your project on track.

I could go over my proven step-by-step approach to book writing and publishing that ensures your book is top-notch, enhances your credibility, and establishes you as a thought leader.

I could even tell you all about the personal touch my team brings to every book we produce and the results you’ll get – like bestseller and award-winning status – when we focus our attention on your book.

But I’ll let these folks tell you instead.

Anita’s support and publishing guidance were invaluable.

Anyone who is ready to finally write a book and get it published should work with Anita because she knows how to flush out ideas, what it takes to produce a quality book, keeps you on task, and is so fun to work with. Hiring Anita is one of the best decisions I’ve made.

Terrie Hudson,
author of Leave a Legacy That Counts

Write Your Life

Terrie Hudson,
author of Leave a Legacy That Counts

Anyone who is ready to finally write a book and get it published should work with Anita because she knows how to flush out ideas, what it takes to produce a quality book, keeps you on task, and is so fun to work with. Hiring Anita is one of the best decisions I’ve made.

Anita’s genius is so incredible, I ended up with a bestselling book.

Anita’s genius is so incredible that after only seven months, and through a fantastic publishing process, I ended up with a bestselling book—#2 on The Wall Street Journal, between Barack Obama and Matthew McConaughey, on USA Today’s list of 150 unique books, and #1International Bestseller on Amazon in twenty-nine categories in four countries! I couldn’t have done it without Anita’s help.

Jamey Rootes,
author of The Winning Game Plan

Write Your Life

Jamey Rootes,
author of The Winning Game Plan

Anita’s genius is so incredible that after only seven months, and through a fantastic publishing process, I ended up with a bestselling book—#2 on The Wall Street Journal, between Barack Obama and Matthew McConaughey, on USA Today’s list of 150 unique books, and #1International Bestseller on Amazon in twenty-nine categories in four countries! I couldn’t have done it without Anita’s help.

Anita is an amazing author coach.

One of the primary things she instilled in me very early was to develop a clear platform that could expand into a brand for myself.

Michael N. Henderson,
author of GOT PROOF! My Genealogical Journey Through the Use of Documentation

Write Your Life

Michael N. Henderson,
author of GOT PROOF! My Genealogical Journey Through the Use of Documentation

One of the primary things she instilled in me very early was to develop a clear platform that could expand into a brand for myself.

Anita’s step-by-step process made it fun.

Anita’s step-by-step process made what had previously seemed like a daunting project manageable and even fun. Working with Anita relieved the stress and anxiety associated with my never having written a book and not knowing anything about the publishing process.

William Piercy,
author of Life's Too Short for a Bad Business Partner

Write Your Life

William Piercy,
author of Life's Too Short for a Bad Business Partner

Anita’s step-by-step process made what had previously seemed like a daunting project manageable and even fun. Working with Anita relieved the stress and anxiety associated with my never having written a book and not knowing anything about the publishing process.

Anita is an essential resource for a first-time author.

She provided clarity where there was none, order where there was confusion, and valuable insights into how to transform my manuscript into a book I feel proud to publish. 

Shelley Hammell,
author of You Think You're Coaching But You're Not!

Write Your Life

Shelley Hammell,
author of You Think You're Coaching But You're Not!

She provided clarity where there was none, order where there was confusion, and valuable insights into how to transform my manuscript into a book I feel proud to publish. 

Stop talking about it and do it.

Anyone who is ready to finally write a book and get it published should contact Anita because she has the expertise and experience to make it possible within a realistic timeframe. She'll help you stop talking about it, and do it.  

Donna Peters,
author of Options Are Power

Write Your Life

Donna Peters,
author of Options Are Power

Anyone who is ready to finally write a book and get it published should contact Anita because she has the expertise and experience to make it possible within a realistic timeframe. She'll help you stop talking about it, and do it.  

I call Anita my book sherpa.

I call Anita my book sherpa. She guided me, helped me avoid the normal pitfalls authors run into, kept me on track, and helped me achieve my life-long goal to become an author. She is an inspiration, a friend, a mentor, and a great advocate for all things related to being an author.

Rena Kilgannon,
author of What's the Worst That Could Happen?

Write Your Life

Rena Kilgannon,
author of What's the Worst That Could Happen?

I call Anita my book sherpa. She guided me, helped me avoid the normal pitfalls authors run into, kept me on track, and helped me achieve my life-long goal to become an author. She is an inspiration, a friend, a mentor, and a great advocate for all things related to being an author.
Write Your Life

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